Sunday, September 4, 2011

Benefits of Potatoes

The potato can be described as a complete food which successfully provides you with a high quality proteins and carbohydrates. It certainly is deficient in some nutrients like vitamin E, vitamin B12, vitamin A and fats. Though otherwise it is very nutritious.

Potatoes are rich in the potassium content and low in the sodium content which is why they are most suitable for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and hypertension.
They are also rich in phosphorus, iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese and many other trace elements.
The proteins present in the potatoes have high biological value and provide all the essential amino acids which are needed by the human body in good quantities to instill growth. These proteins are very rich in the lysine which is an amino acid deficient in the grains.
Vegetable Fiber:
There are about 1.8 % soluble fibers in potatoes.

Potatoes are good source of the vitamin C, though some of it is lost in cooking. Little of vitamin C is lost when they are steamed and most when they are deep fried.
Potatoes are also rich in vitamin B1 and B6.

The potatoes have about 15.4 % carbohydrates in the form of starch. This starch is easily digestible and does not cause any flatulence.
Potatoes are helpful in different body disorders and diseases as described below:
Cardiovascular disease: As the potatoes are low in sodium and fats, they are good for heart failure, hypertension and arteriosclerosis.

Kidney disease : The potatoes usually alkalize the urine and blood thus assisting in the successful elimination of many toxic acids. Thus they purify the blood and assist the kidneys.

Diabetes : Potatoes have certain complex carbohydrates like starch which slowly convert into the glucose in the digestion process in the human intestines. As a result they do not result in any sudden changes in the blood glucose level and are well tolerated by the diabetics.
Obesity: The potatoes are not the cause of obesity. On the other hand they prevent it by:
• They have good amounts of B group vitamins which assist in the metabolizaiton of the carbohydrates, as well as some minerals which prevents the fluid retention in the body tissues, which contribute to the obesity.
• Creating a sense of satiety which reduces the desire to eat.
Stomach disorders :
• Antacid effect: the potatoes are alkaline in the nature and thus neutralize the excess of acid in the stomach

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