Thursday, September 1, 2011

Healthy Eating - Zucchini

The Zucchini is from the Plant family Cucurbitaceae often referred to simply as The Cucurbit Family. Its Genus and Botanical species is Cucurbita pepo. In some countries it is recognised by the common name Courgette, but it is known as Zucchini in most parts of the world.

Looking a lot like a cucumber, Zucchini has a Yellow variety but the Dark Green is the most common. I have also read of White varieties being available but I have never cultivated them myself. There is a light green variety also available.

The Zucchini is the fruit of the Zucchini plant. In a similar fashion to tomatoes it is most usually treated as a vegetable and cooked in a similar fashion and served as a savoury dish

Zucchini's are usually served cooked while cucumbers are served raw in salads and on sandwiches. There are many ways to cook Zucchini and I'll list some of these further in this article. The older a Zucchini fruit gets the less appetising it becomes. It goes a little stringy and tough after as it ages. Mature Zucchini can reach up to a metre in length and would be allowed to reach this length for Seed production.

Zucchini have many nutritional qualities. Folate, Potassium and Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Copper, Manganese, Thiamine, Niacin, Pantothenic acid and Zinc.

Baking and Frying :

Zucchini can be sliced and fried in Olive oil and topped with crushed garlic and herbs. Whole Zucchini can be hollowed and baked with various fillings. Spinach, Ricotta Cheese and Finely chopped onion make an ideal filling for these "Zucchini boats".

Boiling and Steaming :

Zucchini can be boiled or steamed with skins on. A sprinkle of Italian style herbs and cheese sauce makes an ideal accompaniment. In addition to boiling and steaming Zucchini can be added to soups, stews and casseroles.

Raw and Salads :

Although they are best served cooked, Zucchini can be grated or finely sliced and added to Salads and Coleslaw. It is ideal served grated as a side dish with cold meat and mixed salad in hot summer weather.

Pizza's and Fritters :

Zucchini makes an ideal topping on pizzas. It can also be grated and mixed with finely chopped onion, egg and self raising flour and fried for great tasting fritters. To add bulk to Fritters it can be blended with left over mashed potato or rice.

Zucchini Flowers :

Deep fried Zucchini flowers are a treat. Flowers are usually picked at the development stages of the fruit. The flowers can be stuffed with various fillings, battered and deep fried. They are an ideal side dish or can be served as an entrée.

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